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Population Health Management Market by Component, Mode of Delivery, End User Covid Impact Analysis - Global Forecasts to 2026

The global population health management market is projected to reach USD 46.7 billion by 2026 from USD 24.9 billion in 2021. Read more.

The US Vehicle Auction Market: Size and Forecasts with Impact Analysis of Covid-19 (2021-2025 Edition)

Acquisitions, integration of online auctions with technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and extensive use of data and analytic capabilities to streamline auction processes are some of the trends in the market that have been captured in this report. Read more.

U.S. Physical Therapy Clinics: An Industry Analysis

The physical therapy business is highly fragmented, with the 50 largest competitors capturing only 29% of the revenues, which makes it ripe for consolidation. Read more.

U.S. Pet Market Outlook, 2022-2023

This Packaged Facts report analyzes current and projects future retail sales and trends across the U.S. pet industry, factoring in the current and expected longer-term impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. Read more.


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