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Construction Chemicals Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2020 - 2025)

Growing construction activities in the Asia-Pacific region, increased adoption of new technology, and innovative construction procedures are some of the factors driving the growth of the market studied. Read more.

Clinical Nutrition: Global Markets to 2025

The research uncovers many paradigm shifts in the studied market, in terms of regional competitive advantage, competitive landscape among key players and market dynamics. Read more.

Outlook for Viral Vector Contract Manufacturing - Gene Therapies, Cell Therapies, and COVID-19 Vaccines

This latest report examines the approvals and manufacturing outlook for three drug molecule types that all require viral vectors in their production: gene therapies, gene-modified cell therapies, and recombinant vector vaccines. Read more.

Private Label Credit Cards in the U.S., 12th Edition

This report covers the U.S. market for private-label credit cards (PLCCs), including store cards, with an emphasis on retail credit card program features and benefits analysis, retail card strategies, and growth trends. Read more.


Publisher Highlight: GlobalData

GlobalData is the premier source of actionable insight into a variety of industries. With the combined expertise of more than 1,000 researchers, market analysts and consultants, they provide high-quality, accurate and transparent industry insight that helps their clients to achieve growth and increase business value. 

They cover research by some previously well established publishers, now all merged into GlobalData including:

  • Canadean
  • ERC
  • Conlumino
  • Verdict Retail
  • ICD Research
  • Current Analysis 
  • Verdict Financial
  • Wealth Insights
  • Pyramid Research
  • Business Review

Through their comprehensive research reports they serve businesses across a variety of industries, including:

  • energy and resources
  • healthcare and medical devices
  • food and beverage
  • materials and chemicals
  • transportation
  • consumer goods
  • financial services

Browse their recent reports on Profound today!

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