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Lessons from China's Recovery Post-COVID-19: Consumer Goods and Service Sector Analysis

Euromonitor International’s analysts on the ground in China deliver insights into the recovery stories and lessons one year from lockdown on eight industries. Read more.

Molecular Diagnostics Market-Global Forecast to 2026

The global molecular diagnostics market size is projected to reach USD 31.8 billion by 2026 from USD 17.8 billion in 2021. Read more.

PC Market Trends for Leasing and Financing: Post-COVID-19 Impact

Overall, the narrative about PC demand remains healthy, but the asset life-cycle dynamics will change as organizations now have different buying options: new, used, or PC or device as a service, which may impact the supply of used PCs and market values. Read more.

Global Sports Nutrition Market: Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2021-2025)

The global sports nutrition market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 15.01% during the period spanning from 2021 to 2025, and is expected to be valued at US$51.01 billion in 2025. Read more.


Publisher Highlight: GlobalData

GlobalData is the premier source of actionable insight into a variety of industries. With the combined expertise of more than 1,000 researchers, market analysts and consultants, they provide high-quality, accurate and transparent industry insight that helps their clients to achieve growth and increase business value. 

They cover research by some previously well established publishers, now all merged into GlobalData including:

  • Canadean
  • ERC
  • Conlumino
  • Verdict Retail
  • ICD Research
  • Current Analysis 
  • Verdict Financial
  • Wealth Insights
  • Pyramid Research
  • Business Review

Through their comprehensive research reports they serve businesses across a variety of industries, including:

  • energy and resources
  • healthcare and medical devices
  • food and beverage
  • materials and chemicals
  • transportation
  • consumer goods
  • financial services

Browse their recent reports on Profound today!

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