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The Global Market for Medical Devices, 13th Edition

The medical device industry, commonly referred to as the medtech industry, plays a pivotal role within the broader healthcare sector. This industry undergoes continuous evolution due to ongoing advancements in technology, equipment, diagnostic tools, and medical devices. Read more.

Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination

This study discusses the status of global water resources and the growing gap between freshwater resources and demand for water from all sectors.Read more.

Full-Service Airline Sustainable Aviation Fuel Growth Opportunities

This report explores the market sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for full-service Tier I–III air carriers through 2032 considering historical airline purchase agreements from 2013 to 2023, production in metric tons and prices, and investments in new production facilities. Read more.

US Roofing

While most small volume roofing products will see gains throughout the forecast period, solar roofing demand is expected to grow at an exceedingly fast rate due to current and future “green” building codes and state-driven incentives, particularly in California. Read more.

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